Hosting Specifications

Getting Started Wizard Yes
Video Tutorials Yes
Change Password Yes
Update Contact Info Yes
Change Style Yes
Change Language Yes
Modify shortcuts Yes
Email Features
Email Accounts POP3 and SMTP
Web Based Email Yes
Account Forwarding Yes
Auto responder Yes
Default Address Yes
Mailing List Yes
User Level Filtering Yes
Account Level Filtering Yes
MX Entry Maintenance Yes
Spam Assassin Yes
Email Authentication Yes
ClamAV Anti-Virus Yes
Software Support
Supported Files HTML - CGI - Perl - PHP5 - ASP - JSP - Java app "on demand"
CGI-Center Yes
Site Software Yes
Website Maintenance Services Yes
Perl Modules Yes
PHP Pear Packages Yes
PHP Configuration Yes
Ruby Gems Yes
Game Servers Add-On
Interchange Shopping Car Yes
Python Yes
Imagemagick / GD Yes
Server Side Includes (SSL) Yes
Frontpage Extensions Yes
MySQL Database POP3 and SMTP
MySQL Database wizard Yes
phpMyAdmin Yes
Remote MySQL Yes
Web Statistics
Latest visitors Yes
Bandwidth Meter Yes
Webalizer Yes
Webalizer FTP Yes
Raw Access Logs Yes
Analog stats Yes
Error Log Yes
Choosing Log Programs Yes
AWstats Yes
Real Audio/Video Yes
Shockwave/Flash Yes
Windows Media Yes
Website Control
Backups Daily, Weekly, Monthly Backups*
Backups Wizard Yes
Web File Manager Yes
Legacy File Manager Yes
Web Disk Yes
Disk Space Usage Yes
24x7 FTP Account Yes
Anonymous FTP Yes
Control Panel cPanel
Pre-Installed Scripts
CGI-Center Yes
Advanced Options
Custom Error Pages POP3 and SMTP
Apache Handlers Yes
Cron Jobs Yes
Image Manager Yes
Index Manager Yes
FrontPage Extensions Yes
Network Tools Yes
MIME Types Yes
Virus Scanner Yes
Support Request Yes
URL Redirects Yes
Password Protect Directories POP3 and SMTP
IP Deny Manager Yes
SSL/TLS Manager Yes
SSH/Shell Access Add-On
HotLink Protection Yes
Leech Protect Yes
GnuPG Keys Yes
Helpdesk Support 24x7
Server Specifications
CPU Intel ×4 Spreading Technology up to 16 CPU
Memory (Minimum) 1024 MB ×16 Spreading Technology up to 8 GB
Operating System CentOS

* Risk Limited. We highly recommend admin to take manual backups